Integrated Health Promotion and Prevention Network

The Integrated Health Promotion and Prevention Network (IHPPN) is comprised of health promotion workers from organisations across the Grampians Pyrenees catchment. This network supports the broader health promotion workforce influencing health outcomes in our region.

Members of this networks include: Beaufort and Skipton Health Service, East Grampians Health Service, East Wimmera Health Service, Grampians Community Health, Grampians Pyrenees Primary Care Partnership, Maryborough and District Health Service and Stawell Regional Health.

A focus for the network is to demonstrate leadership and innovation, implementing placed-based prevention principles and initiatives.

The Grampians Pyrenees Primary Care Partnership provides backbone support, network coordination, leadership, partnership brokerage, capacity building, professional development opportunities and strong collaboration.


The Grampians Pyrenees Integrated Prevention Strategic Plan

The Integrated Health Promotion and Prevention Network has developed an Integrated Prevention Strategic Plan (2017-2021) and associated action plans. These plans are implemented, evaluated and reported on collaboratively.

The strategic plan aims to reduce the prevalence of chronic disease risk factors and increase health and wellbeing outcomes for people in the Grampians Pyrenees catchment.

Priority areas – healthy eating and active living and improving mental health – were selected after community and stakeholder consultation and careful alignment with local data and areas of need.

The prevention of family violence is a key Grampians Pyrenees Primary Care Partnership strategic direction and focus.

These plans have been informed by and are aligned with local Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plans and Council Plans, the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2020-2024 and the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework. Links to these documents can be found in the resources tab.


Health from Home – Video Series  ‎

IHPPN Strategic Plan 2017-21

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